Lucifer Season 5 | Episode 4 | Download Now | Dual Audio 720p

Lucifer Season 5 | Episode 4 | Download Now | Dual Audio 720p

“It Never Ends Well for the Chicken”

Lucifer Season 5 | Episode 4 | Download Now | Dual Audio 720p
Lucifer Season 5 | Episode 4 | Download Now | Dual Audio 720p

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Episode Overview

The opening of Lucifer season 5, episode 4, “It Never Ends Well for the Chicken”

Lucifer sets up “Game Night” yet no-one is showing up apart from Trixie. It might be his last night on Earth so wants to make the most of it. Trixie wants Lucifer to tell him a story. This is certainly a one-off special episode.

Once Upon a Time

Lucifer sits next to Trixie and starts his story — the Devil visits New York City in 1946. We are now getting a noir black and white grading. Lucifer keeps narrating; crime was on the rise but the war was over and there were loads of possibilities.

Lilith the famous singer

Lucifer goes to the Garden Club — Lilith, Maze’s mother, is singing at the club and Lucifer is enjoying it. Lily and Lucifer have a drink and catch up. Lily references how everything was copacetic until someone stole her ring. She states her rings means everything to her and wants Lucifer to help get it back.

Enlisting Jack

Lucifer needs help with the investigation. Trixie wants the detective helping him to be female — Jack (Chloe) is the person who helps him. Lucifer offers money for help to find the ring. They talk to the barwoman, Gertie (played by Linda), and ask her if they know about Lily’s ring — she references a Lucky Larry and gives a description for more money. Episode 4 is an old-fashioned crime mystery.

Mr. Stompanato

Jack speaks to a man nearby and asks if he knows a Lucky Larry. When Lucifer and Jack go outside they are ambushed and end up in a small fight. Mr. Stompanato (played by Ella) turns up. Mr. Stompanato tells Lucifer and Jack to stop snooping around.

Lucky Larry turns up

At home, Jack and his wife Shirley are going through a rough patch. Lucky Larry arrives at Jack’s house and he’s been stabbed in the back. He collapses and he’s dead-on Jack’s doorstep. The story is getting more and more dramatic with each scene.

Relationship problems

Lucifer pries into Jack’s love life. Jack has learned that Shirley was a Call Girl, so it wasn’t fated that they got together; someone paid her to approach Jack. Lucifer asks Jack if she’s considered forgetting about it. This part of the story is purposefully linked to Lucifer and Chloe as Chloe believes her fate has been pre-determined by outside forces and it cripples her perspective.

Meeting Willy

Lucifer season 5, episode 4 sees more characters get introduced to the story and the cast enjoys the 40s.
Lucifer and Jack meets Willy (played by Dan) and ask him about the ring. Jack raises how Willy had a heated exchange with Lucky Larry the day before and then ended up dead. Willy says he knows Larry because he purchased a trinket off him from time to time.

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